Southport, QLD - Catholic

Denomination: Roman Catholic

Address: 31 Edmund Rice Drive, Southport, Queensland, 4215

Architect: Unknown

Last Updated: 09/04/2024

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History and Architecture:

No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1860 - Father Denis Fouhy Visiting up to 1870 1925
1860 - Father Felix Schurr Visiting up to 1870 1900
1860 - Father Healy Visiting up to 1870
1860 - Father Dean Doyle Visiting up to 1870
1875 - 1884 Father Benedetto Scortechini PP
1892 - 1903 Father Michael J. Patterson 1903
1903 - 1905 Father R. Walsh PP
1906 - 1908 Father J. M. McCarthy PP 1941
1908 - 1918 Father Francis Burton
1909 - 1912 Father C. J. Casey PP
1913 - 1917 Father Francis Burton PP 1947
1918 - 1920 Father John Kelly PP
1921 - 1931 Father W. D. Goggin PP
1932 - 1937 Father P. Meenagh PP
1938 - 1939 Father Victor T. McKinnon PP 1968
1939 - 1945 Father A. Power PP
1945 - 1947 Father Ernest J. Martin PP
1947 - 1949 Father J. Dorrian PP
1949 - 1953 Father R. W. Dunne PP
1953 - 1953 Father Dominic Phillips PP
1953 - 1959 Father James K. O'Reilly PP
1959 - 1964 Father John F. Duffy PP
1964 - 1965 Father K. A. Turnball PP
1964 - 1966 Father F. Xavier Barry
1965 - 1967 Father W. Cantwell PP
1967 - 1969 Father L. Keenan PP
1969 - 1973 Father K. A. Turnball PP
1970 - Father Kevin Canty Locum 1970's
1973 - 1976 Father J. Jennings PP
1976 - 1981 Father K. Cunningham PP
1977 - Father Charles Barnett
1981 - 1987 Father M. Goldspink PP
1987 - Father K. A. Turnball PP
1988 - Father Stanislaus Barry
1990 - Father Rom Barry


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1.Centenary Southport Parish 1892 - 1992 A Brief History.
2. Deceased Clergy in Australia, 1788-2024.