Cronulla, NSW - St Andrew's Anglican

Year Built: 1934

Denomination: Anglican

Saint: Andrew

Address: Cnr Kingsway & St. Andrew’s Place, Cronulla, New South Wales, 2230

Architect: A.R. Saunders

Architectural Style: Byzantine

Traditional Owners: Gwegal people

Last Updated: 21/05/2024

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History and Architecture:

The present St. Andrew’s Church goes back to the depression days. Nathaniel George Bull bequeathed about 2,500 pounds in 1911 for the building of a church in Cronulla. This was finally realised 23 years later at a cost of 5000 pounds.  The foundation stone was laid in December 1934 and the opening of the new church took place on 3 July 1935.

It is of Byzantine architecture and is well known amongst the local and wider community as the Elephant House.

A Foundation stone reads, " To the Glory of God this stone was set by His Grace The Most Reverend H.W.K. Mowll D.D. Archbishop of Sydney Rev A. Reeves Rector December 22nd 1934".

A full history can be viewed here.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1920 - 1933 Rev William Rutlidge Newton 1876 1934
1933 - 1946 Rev Arthur Reeves 1876 1946
1957 - 1958 Rev William Robert Brown Curate 1891 1972
1946 - 1973 Rev Frederick John Camroux With Kernell 1907 2001
1981 - Rev Williaam Keith Deasey Locum 1905 1996
2024 - Rev Greg Ball approx start date


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. 2024 Simon Saunders church photos


1. Church website.
2. Cable Clerical Index with permission.