Taroona, TAS - Baptist

Year Built: 1953

Denomination: Baptist

Address: 124 Channel Highway, Taroona, Tasmania, 7053

Architect: Unknown

Traditional Owners: Palawa people

Last Updated: 22/07/2022

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History and Architecture:

The story of the Taroona Baptist Church has its origins in the Sandy Bay Baptist Church, which was founded in 1928 on a site purchased from the Church of England seven years earlier. In 1929 Les and Florie Escott were the earliest recorded baptisms at. Sandy Bay. Four years later they moved to Taroona and in 1936 1-45 Escott began the nondenominational Union Sunday School at the Old Taroona Public Hall on the corner of the Channel Highway and Tkroomi Crescent.

In 1952 the Taroona Baptist Fellowship was formed, with Max Kingdom, who had become the new pastor of Sandy Bay in 1949, as Chairman. Jack Farina) was the Vice-Chairman and Les Escott the Secretary. The church building, which had been designed by J. Bloomer, was constructed in 1953. Most of the building was accomplished by voluntary labour organised by Jack Farmilo. Other builders included Hal Williams, Bill Wheatley, Des Farmilo and Les Escott. The opening service was conducted on the 2nd May 1953 by H.B. West, then President of the Baptist Union of Tasmania.

Towards the end or Bill Penny's ministry the church was extensively renovated and virtually rebuilt, While this was being carried out services were held in the new Throona Community Hall, The church building was re-opened and dedicated on the lOth December 1983.


This list may not contain every serving cleric, past or present, for this church.
Further submissions welcomed.

Years Name Annotation D.o.B D.o.D
1953 - 1956 Rev Max Kingdom
1957 - 1961 Rev Charles Rodman 1987
1961 - 1962 Rev Robbie Robinson Locum
1963 - 1968 Rev Ken Tuck
1972 - Rev Richard Dangerfield Locum
1973 - 1976 Rev Bill Bridge
1979 - Rev Bill Penny
1984 - Rev Peter Evans
2004 - 2005 Rev Jeffrey McKinnon Part time


No information currently available. Submissions welcomed.


1. https://taroona.tas.au/assets/document/1375517988-baptist_church.pdf